CERTIFY that I have explained to the deponent the necessity of making full disclosure of all relevant documents. This collateral contract can be proved by evidence extrinsic to the main written contract. 兹证明我已经向提供书面证词者说明提供所有相关文据的必要性。后一个并行合同可以通过与主书面合同有关的外在证据得以证实。
Lacking the protection of insurance or collateral security. An insurance policy was annexed to the contract. 未经保险的未发保险的,无附加担保的合同上附加了保险条款。
This collateral contract can be proved by evidence extrinsic to the main written contract. 后一个并行合同可以通过与主书面合同有关的外在证据得以证实。
The article discusses the relationship between the non-symmetry information, collateral obligation and liability of fault in the process of making contract, the article also discusses the limits of the liability of the fault in making contract. 就信息不对称与附随义务以及违反附随义务导致的缔约过失责任之间的关系以及缔约过失责任的范围等进行论述。
The civil responsibility caused by the breach of collateral obligation is a dependent responsibility, including culpa in contrahendo duty, the breach of contract responsibility, the post-contract responsibility and the tort responsibility. 违反附随义务的民事责任是包括缔约过失责任、违约责任、后合同责任和侵权责任在内的非独立的责任形态,除侵权责任外,其它三种责任在构成要件上具有相似性。
The article on collateral's transfer refers to the clause engaged by the civil subjects in the contract of suretyship, which the secured creditor will attain the ownership of the engaged collateral when the debtor can't pay off the due debt. 流质约款是指民商主体当事人之间在有关物的担保合同中约定的,于债务人到期未能清偿债务时即由担保权人取得所约定的担保物的所有权的条款。
Collateral Duty in Labor Contract 浅谈劳动合同附随义务
Collateral Obligation in the Contract Law 论合同法上的附随义务
Since the society coming into 19 century, the theory of collateral obligation of contract is formed with the establishment of the good faith. 人类社会进入19世纪以后,随着诚实信用原则的运用日益广泛,人们开始意识到合同附随义务的存在,合同附随义务理论也开始形成和发展,甚至被一些国家的立法所明文规定。
Introduction has explained the methods of researching: the range in which the article researches is the collateral obligation when performing a contract, that is narrowest collateral obligation. 在导论中,还对本文研究的范围和方法作了说明:究范围而言,本文所研究者,仅为契约履行中的附随义务,即最狭义附随义务;
The set of self-service deposit in supermarkets is not based on the collateral obligation of contract of sale, but the contract between consumers and supermarkets. 自助寄存柜的设置对于超市而言不是基于买卖合同的附随义务,而是与消费者之间的一种合同。
Strict definition of collateral obligation contributes to interest protection and charge equality of both parities, assuring them of contract performance. 附随义务的界定有利于保护双方的利益,均衡双方负担,保证双方当事人实现合同的目的。
Upon validity of the new contract law, obligations to the contract on which delivery and payment is based have been added to Pre-contract obligations, Collateral obligations and Post-contract obligations, it is called extended contract obligations. 新合同法生效后,合同义务在给付义务的基础上增加了前合同义务、附随义务和后合同义务,即扩延的合同义务。
Because the people lack of ample understanding, even they have no concept of collateral obligation of contract. 由于人们尚未形成对合同附随义务的系统认识,甚至脑海中还没有合同附随义务的概念存在,只是凭借自己内心的诚信观念去履行合同附随义务。
However, the research on the theory of collateral obligation now is often limited in the field of contract law and the development of collateral obligation is ignored. 目前学者对附随义务法律问题的研究大多局限于合同法领域,忽视了其发展变化的过程,这样往往只反映出事物的一个片断。
Overall, the theoretical research of Chinese scholars on the collateral obligations of the contract is not yet mature, there are a lot of controversy. 整体来看,我国学者对合同附随义务的理论研究尚不成熟,还有很多争议之处。
Contract the parties have collateral obligation of contract based on the principle of honesty and should have told, cooperation, protection, confidentiality and other. 合同的缔约双方基于诚信原则而应负有相应的告知、协力、保护、保密等合同附随义务。
By studying the typical case, the author found that misconduct for collateral obligations of the contract is the most prominent problem in the process of judicial determination, judges often mistake the collateral obligations for the major delivery obligation, subordinate delivery obligation and security obligations. 通过研究典型案例,笔者发现,合同附随义务在司法认定过程中存在的最突出的问题是认定失当,法官往往将附随义务与主给付义务、从给付义务以及安全保障义务混淆。
The author thinks that collateral obligation in our current "contract law", just to be conceptual, not to mention its specific application in practice. 笔者认为我国目前《合同法》中只有关于附随义务的概念性规定,并未提及其在实践中的具体运用。
While the collateral obligation being expanded, the collateral obligation in medical contract has been established by the medical laws and regulations. 在我国《合同法》扩张合同义务的同时,我国相关医疗法律法规也规定了医疗合同中的附随义务。
In addition, the strength of the bank-enterprise relationship is reflected in the collateral requirements as terms of the loan contract, which has an important impact on the financing capacities of SMEs. 另外,银企关系的强弱在抵押品要求等贷款合同条款上得到反映,并对中小企业的融资能力产生重要影响。
In the judicial practice, collateral obligation of contract should follow principles as follows: closely relationship principle, principle of benefit measure, strictly limited principle. 司法实践中,合同附随义务的认定要遵循密切联系原则、利益衡量原则、严格限制原则。